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Robo Investing Features

Invest Your Way

Build as many unique portfolios as you like. Select from a list of investment choices and specify the percent allocation for each in your portfolio(s).

Open an Account
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Axos Invest X logo

It’s your money; move it how you want.

Quick Deposit

Time is money. With Quick Deposit, say goodbye to waiting for your deposits to be completed. Quick Deposit will invest your money on the same or next trading day.

Woman holding cell phone and smiling happily

Auto Deposit Scheduler

We know one size doesn’t fit all. With our auto deposit scheduler, your deposits can be matched to your pay periods, lucky day of the month, or whatever you choose.

Phones displaying Axos Invest account information

Even more account features!

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Tax-Loss Harvesting

In a diversified portfolio, some security prices can go up while others go down. Our tax-loss harvesting investment strategy monitors your price levels to capture small losses throughout the year to help reduce your annual tax bill.

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Automatic Portfolio Rebalancing

We automatically adjust your portfolio to match the allocation you originally chose. Instead of just selling your ETFs to rebalance your portfolio, we first use your dividends and deposits to try to minimize capital gains.

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We offer Roth and Traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs) that provide unique benefits either in the form of tax savings in the current tax year or long-term tax savings when withdrawing in retirement.

Invest and Chill

We'll monitor your portfolio with you.